Mesmerising Fanart By Kiki
Cutieneers, we never cease to be grateful for our community. It is one of the warmest, wittiest and creative on the web.
Sometimes you even have us jump with joy.
Like today, one the cutieneers — Kiki94, shared an amazing piece of fan art with us. The cutie inspired by Japanese manga Noragami.
It’s a tribute to the world of anime…I hope you like it — Kikimeli94, Cutieneer and a Great Artist
Kiki has a lot more where this came from and apart from being a skilful artist she is also an eye candy ;)
Subscribe to her here for more amazing art and photos!
Another piece of good news is that our Telegram group has reached 600 cutieneers! Which is crazy because we are not using bots or other means of adding users there. It is 600 awesome real people!
And we send our love to all of them.
Thank you for being such a great community!